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The Question: "Why Do I Feel Like I'm Not Growing?"


Do you often catch yourself thinking, "Why do I feel like I'm not growing?" If so, you're not alone. These bewildering moments are staples in our lives - a plague of doubt that undermines our confidence and pushes us closer to despair. But rest assured, it's a universal feeling shared amongst many.

Well this my love is Internet's False Facade. Browsing the internet, especially social media platforms, can often exacerbate these feelings of inadequacy. As we skim through perfect glimpses

of people's lives, we might wonder why their existence seems so picture-perfect while ours is like an ugly potato out of sack (ps Bablu is the name given to me by my mother, can you imagine? ).

We ponder, "Why am I not good enough?"But, i promise you, don't be fooled by the glamourous personas projected on the screens. Social media only presents an idealized picture, a mere fraction of reality. When you compare your unedited life with their glammed-up versions, it's like mixing apples and oranges.

No Achievements Are a Race!!

the world is a race

Observing accomplished people around us can often stir feelings of inadequacy. We yearn to achieve similar feats - be it status, wealth, academic recognition, or emotional stability.

However, the bitter taste of failure often leaves us feeling deflated, hating the world.Remember, we each have our own timetable in life. There's no hurry to match others' accomplishments. Life is not a race; it's a journey. The key is consistent effort, belief in oneself, and patience.

Success isn't always immediate, but the effort is seldom wasted. Though the results may not always meet our expectations, we do make progress. Our responsibility is to strive from  despair and work diligently toward our goals.

what we do

Becoming Your Best Self

We often fool ourselves into believing that a particular job, relationship, or hefty bank account is our ticket to happiness and self-improvement. Nothing could be further from the truth. To be the best version of oneself, we must invest time in personal development and nurture our passions and strengths.

So, long story short, if you're frequently asking yourself "Why do I feel like I'm not growing?", take a step back and analyze your perspective. Life is textured with various stages, and it's okay to be a ‘work in progress.' Just keep pushing forward, and remember that you are enough. So, shake off self-doubt, embrace your timeline, and continue cultivating your best self. In the grand scheme of things, growth is not a race, but a lifelong journey.

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